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LACAAEA Honoring William T Fujioka on Feb. 7, 2008
Los Angeles, Feb. 7, 2008 -- The LACAAEA's Meet and Greet Reception honoring William T Fujioka's appointment as Chief Executive Officer for the County of Los
Angeles was held on Thursday, Feb. 7, 2008 at Ocean Star Seafood Restaurant in Monterey Park, California,
where lanterns, balloon and streamers were decorated as the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Rat, known as Spring Festival, the most important festival for family
reunions in China with a population of 1.3 billion, falls on
Feb. 7 this year. The rat is the smartest animal among the 12 zodiac signs in Chinese traditional culture and is a symbol of prosperity.
A famous traditional Lion Dance,
a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture, in which
performers mimic a lion's movements in a lion costume, was
performed during the reception. The dance was accompanied by gongs, drums, representing the
descent of good luck. Both lion dancers eat lettuce hanging from
a pole William T Fujioka holds for good luck during the performance. This yielded a fantastic evening reception "Honoring William T Fujioka" to more than 300 audiences.
Click each photo below for a larger view with more photos
Top Left: Judy Chu poses with Janice Y Fukai (C) and Darlene Kuba, at the reception
honoring, Feb. 7, 2008.
Top Right: William T Fujioka poses with employees from Auditor-Controller, at the reception, Feb. 7, 2008.
Bottom Left: A traditional Lion Dance performs at the reception, Feb. 7, 2008.
Bottom Right: Howard Takata (R), former LACAAEA President, poses with Irene Hamada (C), 2nd V.P. of LACAAEA
and Ralph Hamada, retired LACAAEA member at the reception, Feb. 7, 2008.
The audience was comprised of Superior Court Judges, County Department Heads
(Cynthia Banks, John S. Fernandes, Janice Y Fukai, Steven Golightly, Dave Lambertson, Tyler McCauley, Trish Ploehn, Dennis A. Tafoya, Margaret Todd and Robin S. Toma. Click here for photos), many LACAAEA present, past, and retired members, Los Angeles County Cambodian Employee Association, Los Angeles County Filipino Association,
GC Services and Special Guest, Vice Chair, State Board of Equalization Judy Chu, who presented a certificate to
William T Fujioka (Click here to view a slide show! ). Judy Chu mentioned that
an Asian American now has a place in America and is no longer a secondary class citizen in the past. She is so proud of Bill's achievement as an Asian American.
Janice Y Fukai, ALTERNATE PUBLIC DEFENDER, a recipient of the Los Angeles County’s Quality and Productivity
Commission’s “2007 Chair Leadership Award” and Los Angeles
County Bar Association’s “Defense Attorney of the Year Award"
served as the mistress of ceremonies for this historic event. LACAAEA would like to thank Janice for maintaining the event pace and keeping the program on track. We are grateful for her time and efforts during the evening. Janice is a long time LACAAEA member and supporter.
Shig Kikkawa, former LACAAEA president and colleague of William T Fujioka, gave a heartfelt and inspiring introduction of our guest of honor. First, Mr. Kikkawa emphasized the significance that our County’s first Chief Executive Officer is an Asian American, stating, “We would have never thought this could be possible”. Mr. Kikkawa noted several other successful Asian American County Department Heads, who helped pave the way for Mr. Fujioka’s historic appointment to the highest post in Los Angeles County. Mr. Kikkawa also stressed the importance that we work together for our new “Chief” to ensure his continued success, to the benefit of us all.
William T Fujioka, Chief Executive Officer and Guest of Honor, speaks at the reception on Feb. 7, 2008. More Photos >>
William T Fujioka, our Chief Executive Officer and Guest of Honor,
proceeded to the podium to speak to the audience. He was self assured, humorous and sincere. He thanked everyone for attending the event and gave special thanks to the Department Heads, who he noted had already attended numerous receptions in his honor in recent past. It was clear from the many Department Heads present, that Mr. Fujioka had already gained their respect and support.
Mr Fujioka described his reasons for coming out of retirement to accept the top position for the County. (Mr. Fujioka had been retired after successfully serving as the first Asian American Chief Administrative Officer for Los Angeles City). “I returned to the County because I love public service” he said, and reminded everyone in the audience of the number of lives that could be helped through public service. Mr. Fujioka explained that he respectfully serves five Board of Supervisors, and as long as he maintains their trust and support, he could and would do what he believed was in the very best interests of the residents of Los Angeles County. A huge and enthusiastic round of applause from the excited crowd followed.
Mr. Fujioka also acknowledged his family that were present at the reception: Wife Darlene Kuba; Brother Honorable Fred Fujioka, Judge of the Superior Court; Fred’s wife Jane Fujioka; Family Friend Tosh Higa; and Mother Linda Fujioka. Mr. Fujioka gave special tribute to his mother Linda, who he credited for his successes and achievements. It was a heartwarming moment and revealed the importance of family to our new “Chief”
Howard Takata, former LACAAEA president, closed the evening with a congratulatory toast. It was obvious to all, how exceptionally proud Howard is of “Bill”’s appointment. Howard expressed concern about the stresses involved in managing the county’s enormous budget, and advised “Bill”, to first and foremost, take care of his health and family. Howard then urged the audience, to support our “Chief” with all our hearts. As we raised our glasses with Howard, we pledged to Mr. Fujioka, our warmest congratulations and support. More Photos >>
We hope that you had the opportunity to personally meet William T Fujioka at the reception and enjoy the
9 course specially selected Chinese New Year dinner, Lion Dance by the “Immortals Awakenings Lion Club of Monterey Park” and inspirational speeches. We thank everyone in attendance for helping us welcome back our new Chief Executive Officer, WILLIAM T FUJIOKA. And, we wish you and your family a very Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year - "Gung Hay Fat Choy"!