LACAAEA Honoring William T Fujioka on Feb. 7, 2008
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Judy Chu, awards the California State Certificate to William T Fujioka at the reception on February 7, 2008.
Luis M. Najera (L), Security Consultant from The Superior Court; Cecil J. Mills (C), Judge Retired, Director of Court Security from The Superior Court and Kenneth E. Martone, Deputy Executive Officer of Superior Court of California pose at the reception honoring William T Fujioka on February 7, 2008.
Dozens of Los Angeles County Department Heads attended the reception honoring William T Fujioka, Feb. 7, 2008.
Standing (L to R): Robin S. Toma (Human Relations), Dave Lambertson (Internal Services Department) and Steven Golightly (Child Support Services Department).
Sitting (L to R): John S. Fernandes (Ombudsman), Dennis A. Tafoya (AACO), Cynthia Banks (Community & Senior Services), Susan Toy Stern (Chief Deputy, Human Resources), MICHAEL J. HENRY (Human Resources) and Margaret Todd (Librarian).
Standing (L to R): Howard Takata, founding father of LACAAEA; Charles Isara; Shig Kikkawa, former President of LACAAEA and Andy Martinez, President of Los Angeles County Hispanic Managers Association.
Sitting (L to R): Karl Nobuyuki, William T Fujioka, Darlene Kuba and Judy Chu.
Bonnie Oliver, Assistant Assessor, Los Angeles County Assessor poses with attendees at the reception honoring William T Fujioka on February 7, 2008.
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