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Becoming a Member
We are always looking for people interested in joining our association.

Who Can Join?

Any County employee 18 years of age or older, of good character and dedicated to the purposes of this organization, may become a member. Read Bylaws for details.

How Can You Join?

Simply complete an Membership application (pdf) and submit an annual payment of dues ($60.00) or a signed payroll deduction card ($5.00 per month). An eligible applicant shall then be accepted as a member. Please contact us for more information and a copy of the application.

Not a Los Angeles County employee? You can still join LACAAEA as an Associate Member! (pdf) Many of our friends and families are Associate Members and regularly attend meetings and Association sanctioned events. Join us and become a part of the LACAAEA family! Visit our website regularly to obtain updates on upcoming events. Thank you for your support!

Benefits of Joining

Forge new friendships
Meet County Department heads and others in senior management
Partake in and enjoy Association functions with others having common interests and help further our cause
Members' children are eligible to compete for annual college scholarships
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We invite you to visit us or attend an event. Our members are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the association and how you can join.

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list.
Please join us for next Board Meetings and meet  President and our Board Members

Copyright ©2006 Los Angeles County Asia American Employees Association. All rights reserved.
Website design by: Jeremy B. Li.