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LACAAEA Honoring William T Fujioka on Feb. 7, 2008

Dozens of Los Angeles County Department Heads attended the reception honoring William T Fujioka, Feb. 7, 2008.

Top row left to right: Robin S. Toma (Human Relations), Dave Lambertson (Internal Service Department), Steven Golightly (Child Support Services Department).

Bottom row left to right: John S. Fernandes (Ombudsman), Dennis A. Tafoya (OAAC), Cynthia Banks (Community & Senior Services), Susan Toy Stern (Chief Deputy, Human Resources), MICHAEL J. HENRY (Human Resources) and Margaret Todd (Librarian).

Dozens of Los Angeles County Department Heads attended the reception honoring William T Fujioka, Feb. 7, 2008.

Howard Takata, who Janice described as the “godfather of LACAAEA”, closed the evening with a congratulations toast at the reception honoring William T Fujioka, Feb. 7, 2008, while dozens of Los Angeles County Department Heads and the audience give a standing ovation to say "cheers".

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