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LACAAEA Honoring William T Fujioka on Feb. 7, 2008

William T Fujioka, Chief Executive Officer and Guest of Honor speaks at the reception on Feb. 7, 2008.

William T Fujioka (R), Chief Executive Officer and Guest of Honor, accepts a State Certificate from Judy Chu at the stage during the reception on Feb. 7, 2008.

William T Fujioka (C), Chief Executive Officer and Guest of Honor, poses with Dulce Maycumber (L) and Henry Yee, President of LACAAEA at the podium during the reception on Feb. 7, 2008.

Shig Kikkawa (L), former LACAAEA president and colleague of William T Fujioka and Guest of Honor receives a gift from Henry Yee, President of LACAAEA, who thanked him for giving a heartfelt and inspiring introduction of our guest of honor at the reception on Feb. 7, 2008.

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