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LACAAEA Honoring William T Fujioka on Feb. 7, 2008

Judy Chu (L), Vice Chair, State Board of Equalization, poses with Janice Y Fukai (C), and Darlene Kuba at the reception honoring William T Fujioka on February 7, 2008.

Janice Y Fukai poses with her employees at the reception honoring William T Fujioka on February 7, 2008.

Top row from left to right: Jon Takasugi, Sam Abrahamian, Bruce Hoffman, Mimi Golden, David Cho, Mark Wynn, Marina Almeida and Tina Barcenas.

Seated from left to right: Erika Anzoategui and Janice Y Fukai.

Janice Y Fukai receives a gift from Henry Yee (L), President of LACAAEA, who thanks her for Mistress of Ceremonies at the reception honoring William T Fujioka on February 7, 2008.

Janice Y Fukai poses with her employees at the reception honoring William T Fujioka on February 7, 2008.

Top row from left to right: Janet Hong, Janice Y Fukai, Robert Meneses and Felippe Delatorre.

Seated from left to right: Stephanie Bedi, Karen Joynt, Michelle Kim and Philip Peng.

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