On January 27, 2009, Wendy L. Watanabe was appointed
Auditor-Controller for Los Angeles County as the first female Auditor-Controller of its 150-year history. Ms. Watanabe is responsible for overseeing a department with $97 million annual budget and 593 budgeted positions. The Auditor-Controller is responsible for establishing County fiscal and internal control polices and procedures; administering the County payroll; conducting audits and fraud investigations; monitoring social services contracts; performing mandated property tax functions; disbursing warrants to vendors, child support recipients, judgment and damages to claimants; and managing the County’s enterprise financial systems, eCAPS.
Ms. Watanabe received her bachelor's degree in Business Administration from California State University, Los Angeles. She has over 20 years of County service and seven years of private industry experience. One of Ms. Watanabe’s most notable accomplishments is the successful implementation of the Shared Services Program; a Countywide initiative to consolidate financial processing in a shared-resources environment for 20 County departments.
Ms. Watanabe began her County career in 1988 and worked in four departments, including Beaches and Harbors, Chief Administrative Office, Sheriff’s and Auditor-Controller.