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Henry Yee's Retirement Luncheon on March 20, 2008
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  • LACAAEA Board members, current and retired members attend LACAAEA President Hanry Yee's retirement luncheon on March 20, 2008.

    Sitting (L to R): Jeremy Li, Henry Yee, Manry Lam and Phillip Ow.

    Standing (L to R): Karen Han, a world-famous musician; Wendy Watanabe, 1st V.P. of LACAAEA and Acting Auditor-Controller, Department of Auditor-Controller; Irene Hamada, 2nd V.P. of LACAAEA; Sir Clark; Tevy Sithan; Lorraine Sunday-Brown; Anna Shen; Howard Takata and Evan Brown (Non-County Employee, a strong supporter of the Association).
















    Don't miss the upcoming LACAAEA event on May 29, 2008 >>

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