Henry Yee's Retirement Luncheon on March 20, 2008
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Board members, current and retired members attend LACAAEA President Hanry Yee's retirement luncheon on March 20, 2008.
Sitting (L to R): Jeremy Li, Henry Yee, Manry Lam and Phillip Ow.
Standing (L to R): Karen Han, a world-famous musician; Wendy Watanabe, 1st V.P. of LACAAEA and Acting Auditor-Controller, Department of Auditor-Controller; Irene Hamada, 2nd V.P. of LACAAEA; Sir Clark; Tevy Sithan; Lorraine Sunday-Brown; Anna Shen; Howard Takata and Evan Brown (Non-County Employee, a strong supporter of the Association).
Paul Tanaka, Sheriff's Department's Assistant Sheriff, speaks of Henry Yee's outstanding contracting skills and expertise at the Monterey Hill Steakhouse in Monterey Park, California, on March 20, 2008.
Tom Tindall, Chief Deputy of Internal Services Department, presents Henry a plaque in recognition of his 38-year County services, at the Monterey Hill Steakhouse in Monterey Park, California, on March 20, 2008.
Victor Rampulla, Division Director of Administrative Services from Sheriff's Department, gives a presentation of scroll to Henry Yee in recognition of his 38-year County services and his outstanding contracting skills and expertise at the Monterey Hill Steakhouse in Monterey Park, California, on March 20, 2008.
Glen Dragovich presents Henry an encasement with the Sheriff's ID, County service pins, and Department's pins at the Monterey Hill Steakhouse in Monterey Park, California on March 20, 2008.
Frank Williams, Master Of Ceremonies, gives a presentation of scroll to Henry Yee in recognition of his 38-year County services at the Monterey Hill Steakhouse in Monterey Park, California, on March 20, 2008.