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LACAAEA Honoring Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas on Jan. 29, 2009

Honorable Mike Eng, California 49th Assemblymember is a guest of honor and tested the audience knowledge of Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas with a game of Jeopardy, and later introduced Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas to the audience at the reception in the Empress Pavilion Restaurant, Los Angeles, California January 29, 2009.

Honorable Mike Eng, California 49th Assemblymember questions Meav Ear's (L) knowledge of Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas at the reception in the Empress Pavilion Restaurant, Los Angeles, California January 29, 2009. She enjoyed laughing at herself when she did not know the answer.

Honorable Mike Eng, California 49th Assemblymember rewards her with a cash prize for her answers about knowledge of Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas at the reception in the Empress Pavilion Restaurant, Los Angeles, California January 29, 2009.

Honorable Mike Eng, California 49th Assemblymember is a guest of honor and rewards Victoria Lane, direcctor of Office of Workplace Programs, with a cash prize for her answers about knowledge of Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas at the reception in the Empress Pavilion Restaurant, Los Angeles, California January 29, 2009.

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