Left: Many Los Angeles County Department Heads
pose for a photo at the Meet and Greet reception honoring Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas at Empress Pavilion Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, on January 29, 2009.
First Row (L to R): Raymond G. Fortner, Jr., County Counsel; Margaret Donnellan Todd, County Librarian; Mark Delgado, Countrywide Criminal Justice Coordination
Committee; Robert B. Taylor, Chief Probation Officer at the Department of Probation.
Back Row (L to R): Tom Tindall, director of ISD; Janice Y Fukai, ALTERNATE PUBLIC DEFENDER; Sachi A. Hamai, Executive Officer; William T Fujioka, Chief Executive Officer; Wendy Watanabe, Auditor Controller and Dean C. Logan, Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk.