Photos Album
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Many County Counsel employees come to honor Andrea Sheridan Ordin, County Counsel at the Meet and Greet reception,...
Many CIO employees come to honor Richard Sanchez, Chief Information Officer at the Meet and Greet reception,...
Many employees from the Department of Regional Planning come to honor Richard J. Bruckner at the Meet and Greet reception...
Many LA County department heads pose a photo with William T Fujioka (R3, first row), CEO of LA County at the Meet and Greet reception,...
Mike Eng (C), California's 49th State Assembly Member, awards each scroll to three newly appointed dept. heads and LACAAEA President Irene Hamada at the ...
Kimberly Jo, from left to right, MARIA CHONG-CASTILLO, Steve Mar, Richard J. Bruckner, Richard Sanchez, Andrea Sheridan Ordin, Patrick Wu and Irene Hamada...